Susanne Spahn
Professional Affiliation
Political Scientist, Historian, and Journalist
Expert Bio
Susanne Spahn (PhD) is a political scientist, historian and journalist based in Berlin. She completed her M.A. degree in East European history, Slavonic studies and political science in St. Petersburg and Cologne. In 2011, she received her doctoral degree with a thesis, published as a book, on Staatliche Unabhängigkeit — das Ende der ostslawischen Gemeinschaft? Die Außenpolitik Russlands gegenüber der Ukraine und Belarus seit 1991. Hamburg 2011(State Independence: The End of the East Slavonic Unity? Russia’s Foreign Policy towards Ukraine and Belarus Since 1991). In 2010 and 2011, working in Moscow, she was a contributor to Dow Jones News, Die Welt, Deutsche Welle, Zeit online and Magazin Außenwirtschaft. Her research interests are Russia’s foreign policy in the post-Soviet area, Russian information policy and the Russian-speaking community in Germany.
Spahn’s works include three research reports on Russian media in Germany. The latest study on Russische Medien in Deutschland: Wie der russische Informationskrieg und Desinformation Einfluss auf Deutschland ausüben [The Russian Media in Germany: How the Russian Information War and Disinformation Influence Germany] (Potsdam: Friedrich Naumann Stiftung, October 2020) was also published in Russian and English.
Insight & Analysis by Susanne Spahn
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- Disinformation
Российские медиа в Германии: Беседа с доктором Сюзанне Шпан
- Article
- Disinformation