Citizen Science and Policy: A European Perspective
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Science and Technology Innovation Program
Citizen Science and Policy: A European Perspective, written by Dr. Muki Haklay of University College London, examines European citizen science projects to understand how they can support or influence public policy (and how policy can support or constrain citizen science). The report concludes with suggestions for how projects around the world can be structured to meet policy goals—for example, through strategic partnerships, and by developing guidelines to facilitate the use of citizen science data.
Muki (Mordechai) Haklay
Professor, University College London
Lea Shanley
Former Senior Program Associate;
Co-Executive Director of the NSF South Big Data Innovation Hub
Co-Executive Director of the NSF South Big Data Innovation Hub
Elizabeth Tyson
Global Fellow;
Explorer Fellow with the National Geographic Society in the Citizen Explorer Labs
Explorer Fellow with the National Geographic Society in the Citizen Explorer Labs
Science and Technology Innovation Program
The Science and Technology Innovation Program (STIP) serves as the bridge between technologists, policymakers, industry, and global stakeholders. Read more
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