Robert Daly
Director, Kissinger Institute on China and the United States
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Robert Daly was named as the second director of the Kissinger Institute on China and the United States at the Woodrow Wilson Center in August 2013. He came to the Wilson Center from the Maryland China Initiative at the University of Maryland. Prior to that, he was American Director of the Johns Hopkins University-Nanjing University Center for Chinese and American Studies in Nanjing. Robert Daly began work in US-China relations as a diplomat, serving as Cultural Exchanges Officer at the US Embassy in Beijing in the late 80s and early 90s. After leaving the Foreign Service, he taught Chinese at Cornell University, worked on television (北京人在纽约) and theater projects in China as a host, actor, and writer, and helped produce Chinese-language versions of Sesame Street and other Children’s Television Workshop programs. During the same period, he directed the Syracuse University China Seminar and served as a commentator on Chinese affairs for CNN, the Voice of America, and Chinese television and radio stations. From 2000 to 2001, he was American Director of the US-China Housing Initiative at the Department of Housing and Urban Development. Mr. Daly has testified before Congress on US-China relations and has lectured at scores of Chinese and American institutions, including the Smithsonian Institution, the East-West Center, the Asia Society, and the National Committee on US-China Relations. He has lived in China for 11 years and has interpreted for Chinese leaders, including Jiang Zemin and Li Yuanchao, and American leaders, including Jimmy Carter and Henry Kissinger.
戴博 先生自2013年9月至今任美国伍德罗威尔逊国际学者中心的基幸格中美关系研究所主任。丛2007年道2013年他担任过美国马里兰大学美华中心主任。在此之前,他在中国南京任职霍普金斯大学-南京大学中美文化研究中心的美方主任六年。1986-1991年间,戴博在美国新闻总署任驻华外交官,开始了他的中美关系职业生涯。1991年,戴博辞去外交官职务,到美国康奈尔大学教授中文两年。随后的9年中,他在多个中国电视节目中(北京人在纽约)担任主持人、演员及作者等职,并参与了中文版“芝麻街”及其他少儿节目的制作。在此期间他还主持了美国雪城大学的中国论坛,并在美国之音,CNN及中国电视、广播担任中美关系与中国事务的评论员。戴博先生为多家中美协会演讲,其中包括:东西方研究中心,亚洲协会,美中关系全国委员会,美国史密森研究所。2000与2001年戴博还出任了美国住宅与城市发展部与中华人民共和国建设部共同举办的中美住房合作项目的主任。
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Navigating the New Cold War: US-China Relations Post-Election
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