Nathan McCowan
Guest Speaker
Professional Affiliation
President & CEO, St. George Tanaq Corporation
Expert Bio
Mr. McCowan is the President & CEO of St. George Tanaq Corporation, the village corporation formed for the Unangax people of St. George Island pursuant to the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act. He oversees both the business interests of Tanaq on-island (tourism & hospitality, bulk fuel distribution, land development, reindeer management) and off-island activities, primarily in U.S. federal government contracting (engineering, environmental services, base operations support, and design and publications). In addition, he serves on numerous boards and committees, including as chair of Alaska Native Village Corporations Association, which represents all 176 village corporations in Alaska, and he coaches youth sports teams for his two beautiful children. Mr. McCowan has earned a bachelor’s degree from the University of Alaska and a master’s degree from Harvard University.
Insight & Analysis by Nathan McCowan
- Past event
- US Domestic Policy
Alaska Native Corporations in Context: Advancing Alaska Native Peoples and Communities