Hugo Concha CantĂș

Guest Speaker

Professional Affiliation

Former Chief of Staff for the Executive Secretary of the Coordinating Council for Implementation of the Criminal Justice System, Ministry of Interior (SEGOB/SETEC)

Expert Bio

Mr. Cantu is currently the Chief of Staff of the Technical Secretariat for the Implementation of the New Criminal Justice System. He was the founder and editor of the magazine "Judicial Reform: Reforming Mexican Justice", which currently is co-edited by the Institutute of Legal Research and the Mexican Association for Imparting Justice (AMIJ). Since 1994 he has been  a researcher at the Institute of Legal Research at the National University (UNAM) and has been professor of constitutional law and legal sociology at various universities. He is currently teaching at Instituto TecnolĂłgico AutĂłnomo de MĂ©xico (ITAM). His academic and professional interests have revolved around justice and democracy in Mexico, and the institutions responsible for realizing these principles. He has also served as a consultant to the Inter-American Development Bank and World Bank, and as a public servant in various government departments. From 2005 to 2010, he held various positions within the Federal Electoral Institute, mainly as Executive Director for Training and Civic Education, and spokesman and head of the Executive Secretariat. He holds a Law degree from UNAM, a Master in International Relations from the Johns Hopkins University, and is a doctoral candidate in Political Science at the University of Washington.