Guillermo Malpica Soto
Guest Speaker
Professional Affiliation
Head of the Trade & NAFTA Office
Embassy of Mexico
Expert Bio
Guillermo Malpica Soto has a long and distinguished career in Mexico’s Ministry of Economy. In October he was designated to represent the Ministry at the Embassy of Mexico in Washington, D.C. Mr. Malpica has served as Mexico’s Director General for International Trade in Services and Investment in Mexico’s Ministry of Economy since 2008. Since then, he has been instrumental in formulating Mexico’s position in these areas in multilateral, regional and bilateral fora, including the Doha Round in the World Trade Organization, the OECD, ALADI, APEC, TISA, the Pacific Alliance and the Trans Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPP). He also led the negotiation of bilateral investment agreements (Agreements for the Promotion and Reciprocal Protection of Investments) with Singapore, Kuwait, the United Arab Emirates, Turkey, Haiti, Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Ukraine. Mr. Malpica served as Counsellor in Mexico’s Permanent Mission to the World Trade Organization in Geneva in 2007, and as Economic Affairs Advisor in the NAFTA Office of the Ministry of the Economy in Ottawa, Canada in 2006. As Mexico’s lead negotiator in services and investment, he has spoken in various conferences and seminars in the United States, Europe and the Americas. He has authored articles on trade in services and investment in Mexico and the United States, and collaborated with a chapter of a book on negotiations in Switzerland. Mr. Malpica holds a degree in Economics from the University of the Americas-Puebla and a Master's Degree in International Studies at Tec de Monterrey-Mexico City Campus.
Insight & Analysis by Guillermo Malpica Soto
- Past event
- Trade
Connecting the Dots: A Road Map for Better Integration in Latin America and the Caribbean