Past Event

WEBCAST: The Advancing Climate-Resilient Development Symposium

Climate Change Resilient Development (CCRD) is a four-year project in support of USAID’s Global Climate Change Office. CCRD activities have taken place throughout Asia, Africa, Eastern Europe, and Latin America and the Caribbean. Hosted by USAID's Global Climate Change Office, this panel discussion is kicking-off a four-day long symposium that will be held in Washington, D.C., March 16-19, 2015. Seating for the opening session is limited, so register soon to guarantee your spot.

Seating at the sessions is no longer available, but the live webcast can be viewed on this webpage.

The Symposium will bring together adaptation and development experts and decision-makers to:

  1. Share lessons learned from USAID’s Climate Change Resilient Development (CCRD) project
  2. Exchange adaptation-related approaches and experiences
  3. Identify new ways to advance climate-resilient development

Implemented by Engility/IRG with a consortium of 11 partners, the CCRD project has piloted USAID’s “development-first” approach to climate change adaptation in more than 30 countries.

Important Note: To register, you must login to Eventbrite with your email address, which allows you to edit your registration. If your availability changes, please cancel your registration by logging back in to Eventbrite. Entrance to the event is limited; register now to guarantee your spot.

Want to attend but can’t? Tune into the live or archived webcast at (not every event is webcast live; archived webcasts go up approximately one day after the meeting date).

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Hosted By

Environmental Change and Security Program

The Environmental Change and Security Program (ECSP) explores the connections between environmental change, health, and population dynamics and their links to conflict, human insecurity, and foreign policy.   Read more

Environmental Change and Security Program