Quicktake! What Just Happened in the House?

Duration:11:24Posted date/time:

Talking to our resident House rules expert, Don Wolfensberger, about the confusing incident in the House of Representatives on July 16th, in which a Speaker was called out, a Speaker Pro Tempore abandoned the Chair, and historic words were spoken. Don's wealth of experience serving on the staff of the Rules Committee make him the perfect podcast guest for this subject!

Congressional Relations

The Wilson Center’s office of Congressional Relations works to maintain a vibrant relationship with Members of Congress and their staffs. We organize and run a series of educational programs led by Wilson Center experts, ranging from seminars to private briefings, with the purpose of increasing congressional staffers’ knowledge of foreign policy. We also coordinate outreach to Capitol Hill, including testimonies by Wilson Center scholars and briefings specifically for Members of Congress.   Read more

Congressional Relations