Experts from our Canada Institute at the Wilson Center walk us through the causes and iterations of protests in Canada which led to the closure of border crossings, having an affect on supply chains and regular cross border commerce and traffic. This audio is taken and edited from a briefing held for congressional staff on February 14, 2022.
Research Associate Professor of Law and Planning, University at Buffalo
Executive Director, Cross-Border Institute at the University of Windsor
Congressional Relations
The Wilson Center’s office of Congressional Relations works to maintain a vibrant relationship with Members of Congress and their staffs. We organize and run a series of educational programs led by Wilson Center experts, ranging from seminars to private briefings, with the purpose of increasing congressional staffers’ knowledge of foreign policy. We also coordinate outreach to Capitol Hill, including testimonies by Wilson Center scholars and briefings specifically for Members of Congress. Read more
Canada Institute
The mission of the Wilson Center's Canada Institute is to raise the level of knowledge of Canada in the United States, particularly within the Washington, DC policy community. Research projects, initiatives, podcasts, and publications cover contemporary Canada, US-Canadian relations, North American political economy, and Canada's global role as it intersects with US national interests. Read more